what our users say about

Firetail is used in 15 countries worldwide – and growing – for a wide range of cutting-edge research and conservation projects.

It’s great to see how enthusiastic our users are, and lucky for us, we get to share their enthusiasm here!

Join the Firetail community!

"Firetail is fantastic​"

Lars Holst Hansen
Institut for Bioscience - Arktisk økosystemøkologi, Denmark
Institut for Ecoscience

"I can't say enough about your product! It's made life much easier for us to monitor our birds"

Nick Gulotta
University of Georgia, USA
Wild Turkey Lab

"a whole new level of behavioral research […] The scientist gets up close to the studied animal again"

Dr. Jörg Melzheimer
Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin

"I’m impressed at how fast Firetail is,
well done!​"

Simon Chamaillé-Jammes
CNRS, France
Team Leader 'Landscape Dynamics and Biodiversity'

"Firetail provides me with exactly the sort of data analysis tools I need. It is a pioneer in dealing with modern GPS datasets and the support I have received has made my experience with the software a thoroughly enjoyable one!"

Dr. Isabella Mandl
Universität Wien, Austria
spatiotemporal ecology of Livingstone’s flying foxes
Division of Tropical Ecology and Animal Biodiversity


movement analysis and visualization for wild animal research