We created a new tutorial on Firetail’s VideoSync module.

  • This tool can help you to overlay video footage and synchronize it with your
  • tag accelerometer and sensor data GPS locations and
  • behavioral annotations, like FireSOM predictions, ML models, manual assignments

The video footage will then provide visual evidence that may serve as a gold standard for assessments.

Firetail relies on the great mpv.io project, i.e. any format (video, audio, images) that it can replay can likely be aligned to your project data.

If you wish to learn a bit more, there’s also two related projects where we could use this technique in practice

  1. Towards large-scale evaluation of behavioral states in wild understudied King vultures (Sarcoramphus papa)
  2. Ear-Tag Trial with Bighorn Sheep: Energy, GPS, ACC, and Future Potential

If you have any related (or unrelated) questions or ideas get in touch and subscribe to our newsletter.

Have fun experimenting!