What’s new?
Improved Video Annotation
Great news for everybody that wishes to overlay their behavior datasets (GPS, acceleration, IMU) with gold standards from annotated video observations!
Firetail support for BORIS has been improved and can now handle STATE behavioral types and work with arbitrary descriptions on your categories.
Scalable Burst Segmentation
TechnoSmart burst data (magnetometer, acceleration) will now respect the maximal burst length defined in Settings > maximum burst length.
This provides a great way to apply automated predictions with FireSOM on all desired granularities! Choose freely how to apply FireSOM in your context.
You are using MoveApps and export your data as CSV? Good news, Firetail can now read your data without any transformation required.
Windows 11
Windows 11 is now an equivalent member of our set of test platforms and we improved support for UTF-8 folder names for across all Windows platforms.